P.M. Says Give Micah Goodin a Chance
The United Democratic Party is calling for the resignation of councilor Micah Goodin, following his acceptance to U.W.I.’s law program. In a release issued on Thursday, the opposition congratulates the former deputy mayor, but minces no words in demanding that he abdicates his post should he decide to pursue a law degree during the remaining eighteen months of his term in office. On the other hand, Prime Minister Briceño says give the young man a chance. On Wednesday, we reported that Goodin has requested a leave of absence from City Hall for an initial period of six months, that is if he is able to muster the support of four of his council colleagues to get the approval of the mayor. But he is also asking for his monthly stipend to remain intact, despite requesting that his duties as a councilor be reassigned. That’s roughly fifty-four thousand dollars that the city would be paying Goodin while he is away studying. Despite all of this and the recent fiasco that forced him to step down as deputy mayor, P.M. Briceño says that Micah’s life story is a good one.
Prime Minister John Briceño
“I think this is a good story. This is a very good story. You all know Micah Goodin’s life. Micah Goodin, I believe, grew up in Majestic Alley in a very, very poor family. From a very, very poor family he had a hard life, he had to fight hard to struggle to get where he is. I know we don’t like to use color, but here is a young black man that worked his way that crawled his way, that fought his way to get to the top and now here he gets an opportunity to be able to go and study law. We should encourage him, we should not discourage him. We should be proud of him and not make a story, a negative story about it and this is sometimes why people get upset with the media when they make everything look dirty, look nasty or negative. Try to be positive sometimes, encourage Micah Goodin. Here he’s trying to improve his life and to be an attorney. Why should he not have that opportunity?”
“But he’s a sitting councilor…”
John Briceño
“Wait, wait, wait… That has happened under the U.D.P. and you did not say anything. Channel Seven kept its mouth shut. Here he is saying that he is going to go away and he is prepared to continue through Zoom meetings, participating in the work of the council and then when he comes in for holidays to be able to try to work as best as he possibly can. Give the young man a chance.”