Volunteers plant trees on C.A. Boulevard
The recent rains may have played havoc with the streets and the lives of Belize City residents but one positive result is that the trees and shrubbery planted in public places has never looked better. Based on the success of a volunteer effort on St. Thomas Street some young people looked to duplicate the feat on the south side of town.
A total of thirty trees are being planted along the stretch of the new Central American Boulevard, south of Cemetery Road. The beautification project is just one of many activities taking place in connection with Youth Week which comes to a close on Saturday.
Icilda Humes, Coordinator, Tree Planting Activity
“Well as you know Central American Boulevard is traversed by the majority of our citizens. We have students passing, those from the work place passing. It looks nice to see something as beautiful and picturesque as Royal Palms and Tibetias on the boulevard everyday when we traverse them.”
But planting trees is one thing, the other is making sure the trees are properly maintained. Icilda Humes, youth development officer and coordinator of today’s tree planting activity, says the Youth Department along with C.Y.D.P. and the Belize City Council will be doing their best to provide maintenance on a regular basis. The trees were provided at a discounted price from Riverwalk Nursery.
The City Council’s earlier greening of the old Boulevard north of Cemetery Road has been a remarkable success which has given the otherwise drab thoroughfare a much appreciated splash of life. In related news, on Saturday the City Council, in collaboration with the “Interact Group,” of the Rotary Club, will be planting trees and doing repair work at Constitution Park. Members of the public are invited to come and lend a hand.