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Aug 23, 2022

P.S.U. Says There’s Foot-dragging in Address Audit Department’s Issues

Dean Flowers

According to President Flowers, while the Briceño administration has started discussions with the Audit Department, the Ministry of Public Service is not moving fast enough to address the issues being raised.


Dean Flowers, President, Public Service Union

“I will give a little bit of credit to the Ministry of Public Service under this administration because I know that they have commenced dialogue with the office.  They recognized that there are some serious issues within the office, but unfortunately they are not moving swift enough to try to rescue those situations before things get out of hand or people get hurt because some of the stories coming out of some of these government offices would blow your mind in terms of the frustration that public officers are going through and the manner in which their immediate supervisors and different heads of department, the manner in which they are treated.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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