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Aug 29, 2022

An Update on the Let’s Catch Up Summer Camp Program

Yolanda Gongora

Let’s Catch Up, a summer Program from the Ministry of Education which intends to minimize the learning gap that was created as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, has concluded. Today, ministry officials also gave an update on the success of the program and how the students are being reintegrated into the new school year.


Yolanda Gongora, Chief Education Officer

“We have had testimonials from a number of parents who feel that their child or children who participated are in a better position starting the school year. In addition to that, I feel that our teachers would be in a better place as it relates to the unit plans that will be soon uploaded on our school portal. The assessments that will also be provided to our teachers will allow our teachers to be able to identify the different gaps in the different levels and then adjust their lesson plans to incorporate those gaps within the unit plans.”


Dian Maheia

Dian Maheia, C.E.O., Ministry of Education

“The Let’s Catch Up Summer Camp Program was unprecedented in many ways. One of the important things to remember is not only was it an eight-week long program – obviously delivered in so many ways – but it also focused on foundational reading and math skills and school hasn’t started yet for primary schools so nobody knows for sure what the effects is. As the chief reported what we have are anecdotal evidence that we have from people whose children have participated. But schools don’t technical start for primary schools until September fifth, so it is after that time that we will really begin to note whether there have been any visible changes or improvements.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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