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Nov 17, 1998

Local businessman exhibits photos of Bay Islands destruction

Story Picture
For most of us our picture of Hurricane Mitch is that provided by the international news media, particularly television. But if you venture into the Belisle Art Gallery at the Bliss Institute you’ll find images of Mitch which spring from the eye of an observer much closer to home. Local businessman Lascelle Arnold, who along with his employees, has been working to send relief supplies from Belize to Honduras, accompanied one of the recent shipments to the Bay Islands and has returned with a set of still photographs that many will find chillingly familiar. Arnold’s shots cover the settlements of Mangrove Bight, Savannah Bight and Bonacca, all on the island of Guanaja.

(Montage of photographs)

The eye of Hurricane Mitch hovered nearly stationary over Guanaja for over a day and a half.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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