Family fireworks and concert for ninth night
For the first time the entire family will be able to enjoy an evening of jump up and fireworks on the night of September ninth. According to the September Celebrations Committee, because previous activities bringing in the Tenth catered only to the adult population, they are hoping that Wednesday night’s event at the National Stadium will be well attended. According to William Neal, the concert’s master of ceremonies, they have made sure that there will be something for young and old.
William Neal, Host, Music Concert
“Well, we have quite a number of things. First of all, we have a very nice fireworks display. It’s going to last twenty minutes and it’s being sponsored by the Embassy of the Republic of China on Taiwan. And there are gate prizes for kids and adults, separate prizes. And also Batty Bus is offering a shuttle service with three routes to and from the stadium. So if you don’t have transportation, if you don’t have money, anything, you know, it’s really a low cost thing and you can really take the family so it should be a very successful night.
The idea is to get the entire family out, to get the kids to celebrate the Tenth by having a concert that they can attend. It’s going to start at seven o’clock promptly and end at twelve exactly because a lot of the artists will be moving over to another performance later that night. But the idea is to just get kids to come out.
And we talk about the spirit of the Tenth and all of that and a lot of the activities that do take place are very late at night, so young people can’t necessarily attend. So the idea is really to get everybody from all ages to come together, party a little bit with the local bands, see exactly what our local artists have to offer and then move on to the bigger parties if you are an adult.”
To enter into the National stadium, a fee of five dollars for adults and two dollars for children will be charged at the gate.