Esquivel sees no problem with Elrington’s remarks on race
It is an issue which has always tended to smolder just below the surface of Belizean politics, especially when times are lean. But with rare exception those who lead this nation have always managed to take the high road, making it unmistakenly clear to their supporters and opponents alike that one unique thing about Belize is that skin color and ethnicity are not factors to be used for discrimination. That tradition is now being seriously questioned, first by statements of an outspoken minister and then by the reaction of a soft-spoken Prime Minister, who does not seem to think it’s an issue. We begin our coverage with Manuel Esquivel, who was asked to explain some recent remarks by Minister Hubert Elrington. Patrick Jones reports.
Q: “Mr. Prime Minister, my question to you is regarding a statement that was made to us last week by a senior member of your Cabinet, Mr. Hubert Elrington, to the fact of Mr. Musa being Arab and he doesn’t think that Arabs should run the country and that sort of thing. Is this the kind of thing that you endorse sir? What are you comments on that?”
Manuel Esquivel, Prime Minister
“I think you’re making that up. That’s not what he said. He was talking about Partridge Street and saying that he wonders how they can support when they are supposed to be the black power movement. So don’t make up words, okay.”
“Let me quote for you directly what Minister Elrington said. “You know the fact that a small group of Belizean Arabs can even believe that they can take over our country, take over a major political party like the P.U.P.””
Manuel Esquivel
“That’s quite a different thing, isn’t it?”
Q: So you’re saying that he was not being racist by saying that Mr. Musa is an Arab and should not be the leader of the country?”
Manuel Esquivel
“No he was saying that he was surprised at Partridge Street for supporting when they are supposed to represent black power in Belize.”
Q: “Isn’t that a racist remark to be made by a senior minister in your government at an election time, Mr. Prime Minister?”
Manuel Esquivel
“Is Mr. Musa an Arab?”
“I don’t know; Mr. Elrington is saying he is.”
Manuel Esquivel
“I believe he is. People are Chinese; you’re Creole; I’m Mestizo.”
Q: “But what role does that play in an election campaign?”
Manuel Esquivel
“Well maybe we’re learning from the Americans. The Americans label everybody by their origin. African Americans, if you call a black American anything but African American he gets mad with you.”
Q: “So what was the reason for introducing this into Belizean politics? Is this the time to do that?”
Manuel Esquivel
“Well, Mr. Musa is an Arab.”