New park for southside Belize City
Politics usually produces more heat than light, but once in a while the last minute activities of candidates and their supporters actually benefit the people they seek to represent. Arreini Palacio discovered one such positive development on southside Belize City.
There are many smiles, and it is not because school re-opens in a couple weeks. These children from Queen’s Square area are happy because they have a brand new park to play in. According to candidate, Dickie Bradley, the park, which was officially opened this afternoon, is a community project.
Dickie Bradley, P.U.P., Queen’s Square
“Fortunately in this case the need came out of a consultation with the people of this area. As I was canvassing, as you know, I became involved in politics on the third June. As I found that apart from the dire need for homes and the pressing need for jobs, a lot of people told me that when weekends come especially during summer, children have no where to go and play, and you know children have a lot of energy. Here in this area there was a big jungle filled with raccoons and snakes and we understand that criminal elements used to hide from police. So we said let us see if we can chop this place as a community project and put a park for the children. I am so proud the idea came from the residents of the area.”
And the young residents wasted no time in taking advantage of the new facility.
Q: “Whe you wan di ina di park?”
Henry Gabb, 10 Years Old
“I want swing and slide and thing.”
Dejana Dawson, 3 Years Old
“I slide ina di park and I want swing.”
Henry Gabb
“Fi play and have fun.”
So while the adults get caught up in the election fever, their children can let off the last of summer’s steam in the park. Arreini Palacio for News Five.