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Nov 29, 2022

Enhancing Adaptation and Increasing Resilience Against Climate Change

Jeffy Gomez

Gomez also gave us an update on the FAO’s work with the Enhancing Adaptation and Increasing Resilience in the Coastal Zone and Fisheries Sector of Belize project. The project seeks to increase the resilience through improved climate data and information gathering, monitoring and dissemination of information. Here is what Gomez had to tell us.


Jeffy Gomez, G.C.F. National Project Consultant, FAO

“This forum is a part of a wider project. The project is entitled Enhancing Adaptation and Increasing Resilience in the Coastal Zone and Fisheries Sector of Belize. And, the different outputs of this projects includes to develop and inter-sectoral committee. We want to bring all the relevant stakeholders together for them to formulate different projects, to be aware of what is going on in terms of climate change, the different effects at the community level. We also have developed a gender analysis. This analysis is a comprehensive analysis in terms of gender and what has happened in the sector. That analysis was used to create a gender strategy and action plan. These documents have been completed and are available to the wider public. The 2022 Climate Resilience Forum is one of the two forums we have held, because we have held Women in Fisheries Forum, which took place back in June, where we invited sixty women to demonstrate the effects of coastal erosion in Monkey River. We share our knowledge and they shared their community knowledge to us.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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