An Update on the City’s Cleanup Campaign in Aftermath of Hurricane Lisa
Speaking about garbage, the media asked Mayor Bernard Wagner for an update on the massive cleanup campaign that the council launched in the wake of Hurricane Lisa. Residents will recall images from Belize City where there were fallen trees and debris strewn across streets and a multi-stakeholder approach to rid the city of truckloads of wreckage. According to Mayor Wagner, the garbage collection concluded last week, but the council continues to support with pantry and other assistance who have still not recovered.
Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
“We took out three thousand thirty loads of debris which amounted to close to sixty-five thousand tons of debris. We have now moved on to more focused approach in addressing some of the gaps that are still out there, but also in relief and supplies. We continue to reach out to our residents in relief and supplies. We have been on the ground, we have been in the neighbourhoods, we have been in Mesop, we have been in Collet, all across the city. We have also been helping residents with the minor repairs; the zinc, the plywood, the two by four wood – we have been doing those types of gap filling measures in concert with NEMO and the Government of Belize. Based on my figures that I received just last night, we have contributed as a city close to three hundred thousand dollars in terms of relief supplies alone along with the repairs.”