N.G.O Senator Supports Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels
Senator Janelle Chanona, who represents the non-government organizations, and who has been vocal in campaigning for the protection of the oceans and the environment, supported the motion because it calls for proper practices to be enforced and proper outfitting of fishing vessels, which means safer fishing for the people onboard.
Janelle Chanona, Senator, NGO Community
“When you really get into this issue of what’s happening on the high seas you will see that because of the improvements in technology and the ability of these vessels to stay at sea for years, because they can refuel, they can restock on the high seas, that has led to human trafficking, modern-day slavery, narcotics-trading, it is surreal that in these modern times these very age-old plagues like piracy and like slavery are still with us because of what’s happening on the high seas. So, I think the government is to be congratulated. I know this has been in the works since 2019. That we’re moving ahead with this because it will definitely put the compliance where it needs to be and be a critical step forward and I note and I call out for the Senate that the agreement is such that because Belize has ratified it, even ships that call on Belize whose countries whose flags have not ratified the agreement, they are still held to those standards. So I think it also benefits and creates this transparency and effort to improve the working conditions and the welfare of these persons at sea.”