B.T.L. reports record sales, earnings, dividends
In economic news the nation’s most profitable corporation, B.T.L., has reported another record year. Gross revenues are up by almost two million dollars to nearly seventy five million. Pre-tax profits have likewise jumped by one point eight million to almost forty million. Earnings per share topped out at a record seventy nine point eight cents while the dividend paid to the monopoly’s fortunate shareholders has increased to a stratospheric fifty-five cents. This means that Belizeans who bought the shares during the company’s first and second offers at two dollars per share are receiving an annual cash return amounting to an unheard of twenty seven and a half percent. While a B.T.L. in robust financial health continues to function as a cash cow for shareholders and the government’s tax department, consumers who see these numbers may wonder why the monopoly is still allowed to charge such punishing rates.