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Dec 21, 2022

Salvation Army Spreading Christmas Cheer to 800 Families  

Today, the Salvation Army officially handed out its coupon for food packages to eight hundred persons who have been identified as most needy during this time. Its annual initiative has provided many homes with that opportunity to have a Christmas meal on their tables, and once again, the humanitarian organization is giving the recipients an opportunity to pick out what they need by partnering with supermarkets in Belize City, Hattieville, Maskall and Cayo. News Five’s Duane Moody reports.


Duane Moody, Reporting

It’s that time of the year again where the Salvation Army is providing Christmas cheer to eight hundred families within Belize City, Hattieville, Maskall and Cayo. Today, residents gathered outside their headquarters on Regent Street in Belize City as approximately three hundred and fifty coupons were being issued. These coupons, valued at forty-five dollars, would be used to shop at any of the Publics Supermarkets in Belize City.


Jonathan Kellyman

Jonathan Kellyman, District Commander, Salvation Army

“Normally it would be food packages and people would be struggling out of here with these bags, but because of COVID and less labour intensive operation, we have partnered with Publics and we give out the food coupons. People would know that we price the items that we normally put in the packages and then we pay Publics the same amount, so each voucher would worth the same amount as what we would give in the package. It works out well because let’s say rice beans flour sugar – these things would be in the package. Suppose a person already has that stuff at their house, then they don’t need to get duplication; they can just go to the supermarket and get something else. What I know is that some of these people actually put the voucher towards the ham and different things and so they are able to stretch and get a better Christmas.”


As we found out from those gathered outside the headquarters, the help is much needed.


Sharmaine Copious

Sharmaine Copious, Beneficiary

“I appreciate that I di get this coupon because the bigger support weh deh out deh noh di support the people dehn. We dah like senior people right now. I live in Pen Road. My family noh big. I dah me and mi daughter and moms, but I wah appreciate whatever dah di happenings.”


Duane Moody

“So full turkey dinner this Christmas?”


Sharmaine Copious

“Oh no, dah noh turkey dinner man because this lee thing, dah noh turkey we could buy, dah noh ham we could buy. We wah could buy maybe chicken, usual, but we appreciate it.”


Margaret Longsworth

Margaret Longsworth, Beneficiary

“Right now things bad cause dehn noh help we, but trust ina di good lord and have faith and have mercy.”


Duane Moody

“This wah help yo fuh make yo could buy groceries for Christmas, right?”


Margaret Longsworth

“Yes, mien. God bless. Right now I sixty-two and dehn mi knock me down, but thank God mi foot, but only because I walk and [limb].”


Duane Moody

“But it’s definitely going to help you guys?”


Margaret Longsworth

“Yes, thank you very much.”


According to Jonathan Kellyman, distribution was taking place at three locations today. The Salvation Army has partnered with supermarkets within the other villages and towns to provide a similar opportunity for the beneficiaries.


Jonathan Kellyman

“Three hundred and fifty here at headquarters. Castle Street is one twenty-five, Cemetery Road is a hundred, Cayo is a hundred, Hattieville fifty and then Maskall Village already received their cause the supermarket actually packaged the stuff for them. So they received that on Sunday. But the people in Hattieville will go to J Mall; the people in Cayo will go to Lin’s in Santa Elena and the people in Belize City go to any one of the three Publics. So it is a coordinated partnership.”


Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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