Port Loyola Calls Out M.I.D.H.
The snafu ended up being an entire public rift between the Port Loyola Area Rep and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing. Usher took the opportunity during his interview with the media to take aim at M.I.D.H. and chided them on a number of issues. He said his area is being discriminated against because the distribution of the starter homes is not being done equitably. In fact, Usher criticized the ministry on several issues.
Gilroy Usher Sr., Area Representative, Port Loyola
“In Port Loyola, after two years in government we are still in the process of trying to hand over the first starter home and I congratulate the other divisions that have already received five starter homes. Some have received four, some have received five and I say congratulations to them. But I’m calling upon all those responsible to give completion of the starter homes in Port Loyola as urgent priority as in the other divisions because we’re all Belizeans and our people deserve proper housing like all other Belizeans. Nobody should be treated more importantly than others. Our people have the title for their land. Four of the lots have already been filled. The persons who should receive the starter homes are all employed. The residents of Port Loyola are ready to experience the dream of better housing with the starter homes as the other residents in the other divisions. We just cannot continue this system whereby two years to build a starter home. At that rate, when the next general election comes then Port Loyola will only have two starter homes or two and a half starter homes. And I’m not knocking the government. I’m praising the government to say that I’m happy to know that many divisions have received four houses and five starter homes. I’m just saying that it’s time to end the excuses and get the starter homes built for the people of Port Loyola. Over fifty persons need the starter homes and the starter homes are good in the sense that they are concrete, they have electrical wiring, they have bathroom facilities, they have a stove and other amenities, right. All that is good and fine, hurricane proof. But as they say, while the grass di grow, the horse di starve. It will not affect my chance for re-election, you know why, because I’ve always been championing the cause for the people. How it would affect my re-election is if I sit quietly and just watch the time fly by and just keep my mouth shut. But I’m voicing my concern.”