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Home » Economy, People & Places » M.I.D.H. Personnel Fix Faulty Issues at New Starter Home Built for Port Resident
Dec 23, 2022

M.I.D.H. Personnel Fix Faulty Issues at New Starter Home Built for Port Resident

And while several deserving citizens received their new starter homes, earlier this week, we brought you the story of the new starter home that was to be given to Port Loyola resident, Apolinaria Choc. But she did not receive the keys to the house because the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing did not approve the handing over.  That’s because, as the ministry’s Publicity Manager, Marisa Alamilla told us, there were a few faulty issues with some of the installations. And, in keeping with the standards of the ministry, there had to be some tweaking before the house was ready to be handed over. But it appeared that there was some mix-up in the communication of that message to Port Loyola Area Representative Gilroy Usher Senior, who was ready for the ceremony to take place. And Usher used the opportunity to criticize the ministry, suggesting that it was dragging its feet with the construction of the homes and in their distribution. But today, Alamilla informed that there have been basically the same amount of homes done in other constituencies, and only this week, those homes were handed over. In the Pickstock area, she said that area is yet to receive its first starter home. Alamilla also sent us images of the faulty issues with the home in Port Loyola why it wasn’t handed over – issues like an uneven kitchen counter, and water pipes connected incorrectly. Alamilla said that every effort is being made to hand over the keys to the home owner in time for New Year’s Day.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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