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Home » Economy » C.D.C. looking to buy two citrus factories
Jul 20, 1998

C.D.C. looking to buy two citrus factories

In news of potentially major economic importance word from the citrus belt is that Britain’s Commonwealth Development Corporation is on the verge of purchasing both of Belize’s citrus processing companies. The deal to buy the Citrus Company of Belize, based in Pomona, and Belize Food Products, housed in Alta Vista, has apparently been developing quietly over the last several months. While from a nationalistic perspective the sale would place two locally owned firms back under foreign control, the economics of the deal are difficult to argue with. A single citrus processor would be able to run a far more efficient operation and enable Belize’s industry to better meet the challenges of global players like Brazil and Florida as well as up and coming exporters like Mexico and Costa Rica. While there has been some concern among independent growers over the potential perils of dealing with just one buyer of their fruits, the consensus is that a similar arrangement in the sugar industry has worked well for farmers of the north and should work the same for those in the south. Nonetheless the C.G.A. will soon be calling a special general meeting to discuss the situation. News Five was unable to reach representatives of either C.C.B. or B.F.P. for comment.

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