Police Department Will Roll Out New Strategy in 2023
The Ministry of Home Affairs and the Belize Police Department continue to tackle the perennial issue of violent crimes going forward, but aside from the collaborative effort, there also needs to be a strategy and a plan in place. So, to make their efforts pay off more effectively, Deputy Commissioner of Police Doctor Richard Rosado says the department has taken on a different approach that will be implemented in stages in 2023.
Dr. Richard Rosado, Deputy Commissioner of Police
“We have piloted our Crime Prevention and Crime Control Plan that will be launched shortly by the Ministry of Home Affairs and in that strategic plan, it’s basically holistic and it speaks to capacity and capability, developing real partnerships, accountability, transparency, and independent oversight. It speaks to the three-tier approach to addressing crime within the country. It will also about evaluating and effecting meaningful change within the organization at the individuals, departmental, and the organizational level. So what we have been doing differently now is put in our strategic plan at a three-tier approach. And I think that is what is different because each community leader has a different task. A major aspect of it will be the education aspect of policing. We believe that the more educated our police officers are, they will have a greater acceptance for the marginalized. You will see a decrease in dogmatism, authoritarianism, rigidity and conservatism.”