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Feb 16, 2009

…And U.D.P. launches manifesto before nominations

Story PictureLater in the day the incumbent U.D.P. City Council pulled double duty and before heading to the C.B. Hyde Building for nomination, the party launched its manifesto for 2009-2012. Kendra Griffith begins her report from the U.D.P. Secretariat on Youth for the Future Drive.

Kendra Griffith, Reporting
With the Prime Minister seated at the head table and a number of Cabinet ministers appearing in support, this afternoon Mayor Zenaida Moya and her City Council slate, launched their 2009-2012 manifesto: The Progress Continues.

Wayne Usher, CitCo Candidate, U.D.P.
“The launching today reinforces our commitment to the citizens of Belize City because it outlines our plans for the next three years that will continue the work that we have already accomplished over the past three years.”

Mayor Zenaida Moya, Seeking Re-election
“We come to you to ask for support on a record of progress because despite what we got, which was inheritance of a nine point eighteen million dollar debt, that did not deter us. We knew that when we got in there we had to deliver. That’s what the people were expecting of us, and that’s what we had to ensure happened.”

In the document, the City Council lists twenty-six of its accomplishments and pledged to strive for twenty-five others in seven categories.

Roger Espejo, CitCo Candidate, U.D.P.
“The first one under the infrastructure pledge; to assist in the implementation of the second phase of the Royal Bank infrastructure project and continue city infrastructure which had started during the U.D.P.’s 1993-1998 term in office with the World Bank funding. Two, to work with central government to build a new city bridge, further north from the Bel China Bridge connecting north side and south side to ease traffic congestion.”

Dion Leslie, CitCo Candidate, U.D.P.
“We’ll launch the civic pride campaign with neighbour awards for keeping areas clean. We’ll focus on picking up the garbage, prosecuting for littering offences and educating the public on civic pride. We will then initiate a save the program waste management project and we will also continue working closely with the Humane Society to alleviate the stray dog situation in our city. The job creation pledge; we will continue the job placement program in Belize City, we will continue tourism and small business initiatives and training within the city.”

Phillip Willoughby, CitCo Candidate, U.D.P.
“Social fabric and quality of life pledge; develop and implement a year round plan in collaboration with businesses and organizations in the city to improve city entertainment, sporting and cultural events for the entire family, develop a city beach in front of the B.T.L. Park. The Belize City Council is already enclosing negotiations to have a park constructed at the Newtown Barracks B.T.L. Park. Work more closely with the mental health institutions to eliminate vagrancy, paint Belize City, a beautification project.”

Laura Esquivel-Frampton,
“For business development and autonomy pledge, we pledge to attract and develop new business in collaboration with our sister cities and local businesses. Work conscientiously at implementing new programs to make the city less dependent on central government and more reliant on its own resources. With public transportation and traffic management, we pledge to create strategic bus stops across Belize City, to establish a central bus terminal and efficient bus route. Under market parks and playgrounds, we plant o modernize the Queen’s Square Market—we’re doing so through Social Investment Fund—and we also plan to continue to parks sponsorship program.”

Zenaida Moya
“It’s pledges that are based on existing works. We want to keep moving forward. The city needs to move forward in progress and all the pledges have to do with the onward movement, progress. There is a lot more that the council has accomplished but there’s a lot more that we want to accomplish for the residents of Belize City.”

Kendra Griffith
“Is there anything in the manifesto that you are particularly excited about?”

Leila Peyrefitte, CitCo Candidate, U.D.P.
“There is a beach that we have looked at and I believe that will be a great accomplishment for Belize City. We don’t have a beach in Belize City and that will be an excellent thing. I believe everything that is on the manifesto is great but I personally look forward to that.”

Zenaida Moya
“That idea came about because we see the needs of the residents and we see that a lot of our residents don’t have the opportunity to pay to go to the cayes or pay to go to a private beach or to go to private hotels and pay money. So we said you know what, our residents come first and they deserve a Belize City beach and that’s where the idea came from; caring for the people and looking out for their needs.”

The candidates are banking on those pledges and the accomplishments to return the party to power on March fourth.

Andrew Faber, CitCo Candidate, U.D.P.
“I feel very confident knowing that the swing is with us and everything and our present City council is doing a very good job, I feel confident.”

Kendra Griffith
“You believe that the citizens of Belize City will be able to look beyond the challenges that you all have had in the past three years and feel confident enough to put that X beside your names?”

Leila Peyrefitte, Councillor
“I strongly believe so. I believe what they should do is look at all the accomplishments and there shouldn’t be no problem at all.”

Zenaida Moya
“The people right now, they are just waiting to go to the polls and vote us in. so again, it feels good. We feel very confident and come March fourth we know the people are going to go out there and they are going to vote for the U.D.P. City Council team. We will see them after March fifth once again right there at City Hall.”

The launch over, the candidates and a host of supporters noisily made the trek to the C.B. Hyde building on Mahogany Street to hand in their nominations. Prime Minister Dean Barrow was also there to lend support.

Prime Minister Dean Barrow, Party Leader, U.D.P.
“I believe that there is currently a team—the team that’s currently seeking re-election, is a good team. I think that it’s a good marriage of experience and new energies. It would be silly to pretend that there have not been problems, but I think the mayor has established herself as a fighter, as somebody combative for and on behalf of the interest of her constituency, which is the city. And I repeat I don’t see any alternative here in Belize City. So I am confident that she will be fairly comfortably re-elected. I don’t think that we will win each and every single municipality, in other words I don’t think that the current position will be maintained. In a sense, it would be too much to expect that. The burden of expectation has been extremely great and there is a price to pay for the fact that we have not been able to please all the people—or even as many people—as we would have liked. But I think we’re going to win a handsome majority.”

And while he refused to mention which municipalities he’s concerned about, the PM says he intends to treat the P.U.P.s fairly.

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“There is no doubt; that’s my personal philosophy and I hope and believe that that is the philosophy of the United Democratic Party. I would be impractical and dishonest if I did suggest that although the bottom line is that we will be fair with any municipality red or blue, but of course, you would tend to perhaps go the extra mile for a red municipality. But I can commit to you that I certainly will not seek t prejudice any municipality that is a P.U.P. municipality.”

With the official paperwork now completed, the next step is getting out the voters on election day. Kendra Griffith reporting for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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