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Jan 30, 2023

UNICEF Supports Host Communities of Irregular Migrants

Alison Parker

Aside from the assistance that UNICEF provides the migrants in their application process, the organization also supports the communities where these migrants and refugees live. UNICEF’s Country Representative, Alison Parker shared that much of the work takes place behind the scenes.


Alison Parker, UNICEF Representative in Belize

“Other than the hubs, we are also supporting in providing water and sanitation facilities in the schools and in the communities. We are also providing psycho-social support to families within those communities. We are also – working together with Digiwallet – initiated the first cash transfer to migrants and host communities in those vulnerable areas across the country, so it’s a holistic approach, the hubs being an entry point, but also ensuring that within their communities we are making the necessary investment to support these families.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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