Abi Mai: Controlled Price of Brown Sugar Needs to be Revisited
Prime Minister John Briceño has said that at this time an increase in the controlled price of brown sugar cannot be entertained due to the high cost of living. Two of the sugar cane farmers associations in the north, as well as A.S.R./B.S.I., have written the government requesting an adjustment to the cost; the last change in price was back in 2001. In an interview today, Minister of Agriculture, Jose Abelardo Mai told News Five’s Duane Moody that the controlled price of that commodity has to be reviewed.
Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture
“Are we underpaying for the cost of brown sugar? And the follow up question should be what is the cost of producing one pound of brown sugar? If you are below, if you are paying for brown sugar and it is below the cost of producing it, obviously there is a reason for adjustment. Now, how will the adjustment be made is a totally different thing. B.S.C.F.A. believes that if the payment formula changes, that there is no need for the brown sugar price to be increased and burden the consumers any further. The other associations believe along with – well I shouldn’t say along with A.S.R. because I haven’t seen anything from them – but the other associations believe that it is time for the increase of brown sugar. So those are the questions that have to be asked and we have to analyse it carefully. One thing I will say to you is that the cost of living is burdening Belizeans.”