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Apr 27, 1998

Regional Salvation Amy official visits

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It’s an organization that has touched the lives of countless people since it was founded in 1865 in England. And as the world around it continues to change, the Salvation Army has embarked on a series of adjustments to keep up with the times. Those changes will also have a profound impact on the work of the Army in Belize. On February First of this year the command structure of the Salvation Army was changed and Belize found itself moved from the Caribbean office in Kingston, Jamaica, to Latin America North based in Mexico City. Today the new Territorial Commander, Colonel Robin Forsyth and his wife Shona, wrapped up a five day working visit during which they assessed the work of their new territory. Colonel Forsyth told News Five his trip also helped make the transition to the new command structure easier for the members of the organization.

Colonel Robin Forsyth, Territorial Commander

“Well I’ve been most encouraged seeing the work that’s going on and seeing the spread and diversity of the work that’s happening from the different types and also the plans that are in progress for other projects coming up in the future. It’s been really good to see it.”

Q: “So when it moves to the other command structure, what recommendations will you be passing on?”

Colonel Robin Forsyth

“Well I think one of the main recommendations that we’ll try to look at is the maintenance of the English language service, which we already have here, but the development into Spanish because I realize that there are a number of people who speak Spanish in this particular area and that we could reach out into those communities.”

Colonel Forsyth says the shift to the new command post will be better for Belize in the long run because there will be more frequent contacts with the leadership. In June of this year a group of soldiers and officers will travel to Mexico City for the visit of General Paul Rader, the International Leader of the Salvation Army. General Rader will also visit Guatemala and Costa Rica during his visit to this part of the world.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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