Are Queen Square Convention Candidates Underestimating Each Other?
The winner will be determined on convention day which is set for Sunday, April second. Both Haylock and Williams are gearing up their respective machineries to get as many voters out to Saint John’s Anglican School where the convention will take place. Confidence is high for both candidates, but are Williams and Haylock underestimating each other?
Godwin Haylock, Candidate, Queen Square U.D.P. Convention
“I wish him well. I think if it was in a softball arena, he is an excellent slugger. He would definitely win. I would never go into the softball arena with him, but in the political arena in Queen Square, I feel that the people know me, I think the people know that I care about them. I expect them to deliver an easy victory come Sunday.”
Shane Williams, Candidate, Queen Square U.D.P. Convention
“I don’t really have any comments for him, but I have comments for the people who I hope to come out and vote for me. I hope that they have seen what I am all about over the years. I hope they judge me based on what I’ve done before I entered politics and I hope that they give me an opportunity. I’m not saying that the way that the current leadership operates is bad; I am saying that I bring a different approach to leadership – that I want to focus more on my community. I want to be very visible. I want to be a very visible area representative that kids in this community can see every day walking through this community and aspire to be a leader just as I have aspired to be. So that’s the type of leadership that I want to bring. I think there is enough of this absentee type leadership that just takes care of certain amounts of voters and ensure that they will win an election. I want to be very visible and inspiring to the youths in my community.”