Centre for Employment Training gets teleconference equipment
While the Canada Fund is financially assisting community projects in the Cayo, Orange Walk and Toledo Districts, vocational, secondary and tertiary level education today got a helping hand from the Rotary Club of Omaha. Three thousand dollars worth of teleconference equipment was handed over to the Assistant Manager of the Centre for Employment Training Kenroy Ellis during brief ceremonies this morning. Ellis says the donation will be used to strengthen collaboration between Metro Community College, C.E.T. and several other Belize City based educational institutions.
“Kenroy Ellis, Assistant Manager, C.E.T.
“It will be beneficial because in the past since 1996 we have been having teleconferences, and we have been using the old traditional little speaker phones and when we speak we had to hand around the handset but with this new equipment now we are able to hook up several microphones and it is easier communication.”
Teleconferences are held once every month where instructors are given the opportunity to interact with Metro Community College staff on topics such as Classroom Management and Assessment Techniques. Other institutions that will benefit from the donation of the equipment are The Belize Teachers Training College, St. John’s Junior College, Belize Technical and the University College of Belize.