Introducing B.G.G.L., a New Company to Manage Boledo and Lottery
The Briceño administration, after canceling Brads’ contract to administer the Government Lotteries, is introducing a new system, including a special purpose vehicle, to manage the nightly Boledo draw and the weekly Sunday lottery. That special purpose vehicle is a company called Belize Government Lotteries Limited which will be overseen by a board of directors. The daily operations of B.G.G.L. will be carried out by a managing director and a dedicated staff of employees. There will be four master agents, one in each part of the country. Earlier today, during a meeting of parliament, Prime Minister John Briceño presented a new plan of action where the Government Lotteries are concerned.
Prime Minister John Briceño
“So, Madam Speaker, what is the plan? The plan is then to establish a government-owned company which will have its own legislation that defines its key functions and responsibilities. For example, this company which the government will establish as the Belize Government Lotteries Ltd, the BGLL, will be required to promote, conduct and manage lottery schemes, to distribute earnings from the lotteries, all the winnings, all the profits from the lotteries, to be administered to the National Health Insurance, NHI, and to the official charities fund which we hope we could get more money for sports for young people and maybe even some money for education. Ensure that the service provided is of international industry standards and to comply with the lotteries license conditions and the respective laws. BGGL will be a company with a core mandate for the sale of the government lotteries services to provide revenue to the Government of Belize to fund the NHI and the official charities fund. It will be run by a board of directors that will meet regularly to set corporate management and oversight policies of the corporation. The day-to-day management of the corporation will be administered by a managing director who will be assisted by an IT specialist, a financial controller/administrator, customer service/marketing and a quality assurance/compliance manager. There will be a tendering process to identify adequate master agents. These are the persons who, or entities that will be allowed to distribute Boledo.”