E.U. Committed to Creating Greater Electric Vehicle Access in Belize
There has been a lot of buzz around the Belize City Council’s plans to introduce electric buses to the city’s public transport system. The project is entitled Towards Low Carbon Transport: Piloting e-mobility within Belize’s Public Transport System and it is being funded by the European Union. The E.U. is investing just over five million U.S. dollars into this pilot project to set the course for future investments in the e-mobility sector in Belize. On Saturday, when we asked the Ambassador of Belgium about the E.U.’s push for more energy efficient vehicles in Belize, he told us that it is more than just a one-off investment.
Johan Verkammen, Ambassador of Belgium to Belize
“Of course the goal is to generalize this for the whole country of Belize but you have to start somewhere so we start with five buses. It is always a start to everything , but we hope that will trigger the whole thing and that we will continue to stand by Belize and be partners with Belize and today is in some areas, it is just a start, in other areas we have already been busy for so long in health and other areas. But, that is I think something that shows Belize and European Union are good friends and partners.”