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Home » Trials » Man can’t walk away from obtaining shoes by deception charge
Oct 20, 2009

Man can’t walk away from obtaining shoes by deception charge

Story PictureAnd a Belize City based businessman is a victim of deception and according to police, the culprit who managed to swindle over two thousand dollars in goods from him, is Vinoda Kannan Sigamani, a resident of Dangriga. The goods: hundreds of pairs of shoes. This morning, Sigamani appeared in front of Senior Magistrate, Dorothy Flowers and was charged with one count of obtaining property by deception. According to the charge sheet, on June third, Sigamani dishonestly obtained from Manoj Narainadas Karmani, two thousand four hundred dollars by deception. Karmani reported that he was approached at his business place, Shining Start Store, by Sigamani who purchased one hundred and nine pairs of shoes for which he paid with a First Caribbean Bank cheque serial number 000289 dated June first. Days later, Karmani found that the cheque account had insufficient funds. Sigamani was arrested on Monday and appeared in court today unrepresented. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and is out on bail.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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