Red Cross Prepares Youth Volunteers for Disaster Response
We’ve shown you the Belize Red Cross Society’s newly-acquired headquarters on Handyside Street. The building, according to the society’s Director-General, Lily Bowman, will not only save them money from having to rent space, but it will now earn them money in providing space that they can now rent out. The Red Cross has been carrying out continuous work in its biggest area of concentration – disaster risk reduction. The Red Cross has completed four programs, including its response to Hurricane Lisa distress calls. Now Bowman says the Red Cross is in the process of developing proposals for new programs.
Lily Bowman, Director-General, Belize Red Cross Society
“We are working a lot on developing our volunteer base or youth volunteers, you know, building their capacity, getting them ready and more prepared for response, not only for disasters, but in general for the needs of the people we serve. Our home caregivers course continued we do that five times a year and our first aid and CPR programs.”