Transport Minister on License Plate Contract
The Transport Minister also responded to the issuance of a contract for the manufacture of license plates. It was among the first things flagged by his new C.E.O. Adele Catzim-Sanchez. The contract is for over two hundred thousand dollars and according to the C.E.O., it did not follow proper procedures in its award. Back then, the Cabinet Secretary was acting as C.E.O. for the ministry. But there are allegations that the contract was awarded to a relative of Minister Rodwell Ferguson. He responded to those allegations this morning.
Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
“That’s not true. Let me explain to you how the ministry was being run. I as the minister, I do not operate every day in the activities of the ministry; that’s why we have a C.E.O. and they are the ones who decide who to get the contract or who don’t. I do not decide, I don’t care. Once I know that the job is being provided and the job is done; that’s my position.”
“Could it be that there are other actors using your name who are in fact related to people close to you?”
Rodwell Ferguson
“I am ignorant to that fact. The C.E.O. runs the day-to-day activity of the ministry.”
“But at the end of the day, they would say that the buck stops at you, so you should be able to guarantee that things are done above board.”
Rodwell Ferguson
“Let me tell you something. When I put out a letter stating that I must at least be aware of anything being signed over five thousand dollars so that I could be aware, you all criticize me and say that the minister is micromanaging. But as the minister responsible, when cabinet comes to me, I must have an answer. So I have to have an answer that I can provide to the cabinet and to the national assembly.”
“So given that, did you ask about that particular award of the contract? Didn’t that raise any eyebrows for you?”
Rodwell Ferguson
“Well remember we went through a transition. And that was the reason why I think me and Marconi severe because then the letter was leaked and so we went through a transition. So I didn’t really know until I saw the letter from the present C.E.O.”