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Aug 28, 2023

Mexican National Javier Martinez is Charged with Immigration Offense

Javier Martinez

Mexican national Javier Martinez was one of several persons arrested in Corozal last week under the belief that they were hired guns sent to Belize to carry out an execution.  After several days in detention, the Belize Police Department was unable to link the men to organized crime.  While six of his countrymen have since been expelled from Belize, Martinez, a civil engineer who was granted permission to work here for a period of twelve months, was charged for failing to present himself to an immigration officer.  He pleaded guilty and paid a fine of one thousand dollars, but Martinez is still being held in custody pending other possible charges.  Attorney Bryan Neal spoke on behalf of his client following today’s developments.


Bryan Neal

Bryan Neal, Attorney-at-law

“He was charged.  This man entered Belize and a report was made that he was some member of the Mexican cartel.  The police have had a week to investigate, they‘ve had this man in custody for more than seventy-two hours, in violation of the constitution.  This morning now, they bring a charge against him to say that he entered and did not present himself to an immigration officer.  He paid his fine and the magistrate ordered him to be taken and expelled from Belize.  Once I paid the fine and came to immigration to follow up, to make sure that he is released, now they are telling me that they intend to charge him with some other crime.  I don‘t know what crime that is and I am waiting to hear from the Director of Immigration.  I must say that these immigration officers that I was dealing with presented themselves in a very professional manner, but they are subjected to orders from people on high who are not conducting themselves the way their junior officers are.  So I will wait to see what is the next step, but I cannot say because it seems as if the rules change as we go along.  So I cannot say what is the next step.  I think you should direct your interview at the Director of Immigration, she is the one calling the shots.” 



“Earlier by the court, I had asked you about when did he come into the picture, what was the instruction from your client and how did it reach to this stage.  You thought your client was already released.”


Bryan Neal

“I expected him to be released last week, as I had said.  Late Friday, I was contacted by his family again to say that they didn‘t know where he was.  I had to make checks and it was not until this morning that I was able to find him.  Finally, we went to court, we paid his fine and just as he was to be released, I am being told now that the Director of Immigration wants to charge him with additional crimes.  So I cannot say more than that until I find out more.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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