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Aug 31, 2023

P.M. Briceno Says U.D.P. Protest in San Pedro is “Ridiculous”

We asked Prime Minister John Briceño for his thoughts on the U.D.P.’s picketing procession when we caught up with him at the summit. He focused on the fact that the U.D.P.’s Belize Rural South executive has dissociated itself from the group’s action. Here is how P.M. Briceño responded to the request for a comment.


Prime Minister John Briceño

Prime Minister John Briceño

(Sighs) it is unfortunate you will bring up something like this, something as ridiculous. I say ridiculous because the UDP Belize Rural South has taken out a release condemning this kind of action. They are saying they do not support this kind of action and that they welcome this investment summit in Belize, in San Pedro. It is only the misguided ideas of the Leader of the Opposition trying to make himself relevant, have to import protestors from Belize to come and try to create and issue. By you covering it you are serving his interest by covering that there is a protest, a protest that I think there is less than ninety people that came. It is important to point out that the UDP executive from Belize Rural South has condemned the actions of their leader.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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