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Sep 27, 2023

Another Mega Bingo Jackpot Winner in 10 Days

There is a new Mega Bingo jackpot winner; the second in less than two weeks. She is a mother of an eleven-year-old son who has been playing the game since 2018. The lucky winner told the media today that she recently migrated from Toledo to San Pedro and purchased the usual three tickets from Twenty-One Store on the island. She played the game during the live broadcast and waited patiently for O-sixty-five.  That last number won the San Pedro resident not only the jackpot, but also the outside world pattern for a grand total of one hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. She explains the emotional win.


Voice of: Mega Bingo Jackpot Winner

“I felt emotional, I feel happy. I excited when Miss Rachel reaction. I felt something in my stomach. It was just a feeling in my and I was excited. I was playing and I told Rachel, give me the last ball. The last ball is sixty-five and my sister told me; ih say gial, Rachel give you the sixty-five and I was like oh my god. I emotional and I started to cry.”


Duane Moody

“What are your plans?”


Voice of: Mega Bingo Jackpot Winner

“Well my plans is to do a lee investment, buy a piece of land and do wah house.

I started to play 2019 and I noh stop buy. I determined. Every Wednesday, every Saturday I buy three ticket and this last time I buy the three ticket and I win one ah dehn.”


Rachel Armstrong

Rachel Armstrong, Host, Mega Bingo

“The first winner was on September thirteenth; they won over a hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars. This winner won over a hundred and fifty-nine thousand dollars. And yes, as you mentioned, it was in ten days.”


Duane Moody

“You guys di give out money left right and center. I think it’s proof that anybody can win once they purchase a two-dollar ticket.”


Rachel Armstrong

“Well Duane, you know the slogan, Mega Bingo is the game and I mean, we are proving that. She won not only the jackpot but the outside world as well. So her winnings was a hundred and fifty-nine – the jackpot was at a hundred and fifty-eight, but since she won the outside world as well, her winnings came up to one hundred and fifty-nine [thousand] four hundred and fifty dollars. And as you can tell, she is relatively a young person. It is significant for me because she has the opportunity to create a whole new life for herself; the sky’s the limit for her now and I am very happy for that. This is my favourite part; to see a deserving winner and to just have hope that somebody’s life is going to change for the better.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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