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Oct 24, 2023

Home Affairs Minister Says News of ComPol’s Retirement Just Rumors

We also heard from Kareem Musa, the Minister of Home Affairs, on the reports of ComPol Williams’ pre-retirement. Minister Musa says he reached out to Williams this morning after receiving queries about the report. ComPol Williams told him what he told us that he made the announcement as a joke.


Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs

Kareem Musa

“I got that question from one of your colleagues this morning and it appears that the commissioner may have started that rumor, but it was in a joking fashion. So when I messaged him this morning he said that it was a joke he was playing that he hasn’t filed for early retirement or anything like that. So far that is just a rumor so we aren’t at that stage of selecting a replacement. But you can rest assured the media will be the first to know when the commissioner of police retires and when we select a replacement. There always has to be a succession plan within any organization and particularly within the police department. That is something that myself, the Prime Minister and even Cabinet we have discussion regarding that type of succession plan. As you know we currently have three deputies that are in place, Deputy Guzman, Deputy Rosado and Deputy Jones. So, we do have very competent individuals who can take over the reins whenever that time does arise. So I don’t like to engage in that type of speculation when in fact no decision has been made. But you can rest assured we do have competent individuals, professional police officers who can take over the helm whenever that time arises.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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