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Dec 8, 2009

Mother claims doctor punctured baby’s lung

Story PictureA young mother is claiming that her daughter has a slim chance to live after doctors allegedly punctured the baby’s lungs. Kamecia Shiel says that on November twenty-seventh, she took her two month old premature daughter, Irma, to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital for treatment for a cold. Shiel says that she was told that Irma had a digestive problem due to her early birth and that urgent surgery was needed. That was also on Friday, but the problem persisted and another surgery was performed on Tuesday. Shiel says that Irma lost a lot of blood and the doctors needed to attach a central line to her vein for a blood transfusion. That’s when the attending doctor punctured baby Irma’s lungs. The baby is still hospitalized and Shiel says that she fears that her baby might not survive this ordeal. She believes that the doctors were negligent.

Kamecia Shiel, Mother
“You know di thing weh separate yoh chest from yoh stomach, well dat neva fully form fi she because she premature. And dehn seh dat ih intestines di go up and ih di push it against ih lungs. So dehn seh dat’s why ih got di cough and dat’s why ih have to do di x-ray. Dehn seh my baby need surgery. Di Friday night dehn do ah di surgery. Three days afta dehn feed and when dehn feed a di thing start happen all over again so dehn seh dehn have to do another surgery di Tuesday. Tuesday morning dehn ker ah gone do di surgery. Afta dat ih mi di do good and everything. Thursday in di day, dehn mi can’t find no vein fi ah because ah weh ih whole body get swell when dehn have to di juck up ah and so. Di Thursday night, dehn seh dehn wah have to do a central line by ih neck yah so fi mek dehn get wah main vein fi ah. Before dehn do it, di doctor come to me and explain it. ih seh when dehn do dat, sometime risk could happen. I seh weh dah di risk? So when dehn do dat dehn seh yoh have go outside and when dehn done he call me in and he seh when dehn mi deh di do dat, he hit my baby lungs, and dehn punctured my baby left lungs. So dehn have to put wah chest tube by yah so fi ah.”

Duane Moody
“So what is the condition that Irma is in right now?”

Kamecia Shiel
“Dehn she ih deh dah fifty-fifty. Dah he and another doctor do it. afta dat, from den my baby just get worse. Right now, dehn got ah pan wah machine fi help ah breathe til ih lungs come back and dehn got ah pan another one di monitor ih heart beat and ih pulse and like dat. Up to now, dehn still can’t find no vein fi she and she di lose blood so she need blood. But den dehn she dehn can’t give her blood until dehn find wah vein fi ah.”

Shiel says that she would like to have baby Irma transported to another hospital to get further medical attention. News Five contacted K.H.M.H. administration and were told that the mother has filed a complaint and the matter will be investigated. We want to stress that, at this point, it is only an allegation against the doctor, who also told News Five that he needed authorization to make any comment on the claim.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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