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Dec 1, 2023

PM Briceño Urges New Coastguards to be good Examples

P.M. also told the new recruits that their contribution to this country will be an invaluable service and urged them to remain humble and steadfast and to be an example for the next generation.


Prime Minister John Briceño“To the 11th graduating class, I express my utmost gratitude for your selfless commitment to protecting our seas. What you do is far from glamorous. What you do is often done quietly and out of the public’s eye. But rest assured, your contributions are invaluable, and the impact of your service reverberates throughout the community. As you embark on this journey as graduates of the Belize Coast Guard, carry the spirit of duty, honor, and compassion in your hearts. Remain steadfast, humble, and united as you continue to serve Belize.  Your dedication and sacrifice will not go unnoticed and the legacy you leave behind will inspire the next generation.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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