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Dec 1, 2023

Coast Guard Adds Sixty New Sailors to Its Numbers

This afternoon, the Belize Coast Guard held a passing out ceremony for sixty recruits. Of the bunch, Recruit Marlon Cucul received two awards: for Champion Shot and Champion Swim, while the Champion Female award went to Jianna Vanegas and the Champion recruit went to Elden Dawson. In delivering the keynote address, Prime Minister John Briceño encouraged the coastguardsmen not to be intimidated by the responsibilities that come with the job. 


Prime Minister John Briceño

“Don’t lose sight of what comes with this moment. Remember you carry with you the weight of responsibility that comes with safeguarding our maritime borders, protecting our fisheries, and providing assistance to those in need at sea. But do not let this intimidate you. Remember, your training and experience have equipped you with the skills necessary to face the challenges that lie ahead. I was not trained militarily like the Minister and the Deputy Minister of Defence, but I know enough of what you have gone through to be well aware that in your training, you were pushed to your limits, physically and mentally. You are here because you endured long hours, demanding drills, and unpredictable situations. And through it all, you displayed unwavering determination, and you learned to work as a team. Believe me, these attributes will continue to be your strength as you navigate the complex and ever changing maritime landscape.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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