S.I.B. Data Indicates that Many Belizeans are Gainfully Employed
The Labor Force Survey is conducted by the Statistical Institute of Belize to determine the number of persons who are employed across the country. It collects information on the size and structure of the employed and unemployed population. In Belize, there are almost two hundred thousand persons in the work force.
Tanisha Chavarria, Statistician, S.I.B.
“The labor force is estimated at one hundred and ninety thousand, eight hundred and forty, of which one hundred and fifteen thousand, eight hundred and eleven are males. Seventy-five thousand, twenty-nine are females. In the urban areas , ninety-two thousand, forty employed persons are in urban areas and ninety-eight thousand, eight hundred can be found in rural areas. As it relates to labor force participation rates by sex and age group, forty-four point six percent of youths participated in the labor force, followed by young females who are within the age of fourteen to twenty-four, experiencing the lowest participation rates at thirty-six point four percent. Adult males, twenty-five years and older have the highest participation rates at seventy-nine point six percent. The unemployment rate is four percent. Females have higher unemployment rates when compared to males at four point five percent.”