Victim of US molester still affected by Robert Snyder
Snyder was known to frequent and give chess tutorials at four schools in the Belize District, but there are no known allegations that he may have found victims in Belize. A check by News Five at two schools revealed that Snyder was under supervision when he was with the children. On the website for America’s Most Wanted, we found a video of an adult victim who said that Snyder showered him with gifts before he was abused; he’s still traumatized by his childhood encounter with Snyder.
Victim of Robert Snyder
“I think the biggest fear is the natural fear of hi he’s older than me, he has guns in his house and bigger than me. That’s the most obvious fear, but most of it was done by financial means. The fear is what kept me quiet for so long; the money is what kept me compliant. So long as I kept my mouth shut, I was gonna have a car at sixteen. I had a white gold Rolex, I had a cool fort in the backyard. Whatever I wanted was at my beck and call. He bought me a diamond watch. From Georgia, we were in Chicago and it was the same thing; same molestation. I’m away from home, I’m scared. I’m in a room by myself with this fifty-three year old guy who’s got the hots for me and I don’t think there is a word in my vocabulary that can describe how scared I was all the time. I lived in a constant state of fear… always. And even to this I think back and it almost scares me. There is a way for victims of anything to get past their aggressions and sins of their attackers.”