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Jan 5, 2024

U.D.P. Not Impressed with Briceño’s Band-aid Sugar Solution

The United Democratic Party remains critical of the Briceño administration amid the outcome of the deadlock between the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association and B.S.I.  While a three-month timeline has been fixed for a number of steps to be taken, including the completion of all studies and inquiries, the U.D.P. is not convinced that this is the end of the stalemate between the cañeros and the miller.  In fact the opposition is on record equally criticizing the manner in which the entire ordeal was handled.  Late this evening, the Leader of the Opposition dropped by our office to share his party’s position on the latest outcome.


Shyne Barrow

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition

“Unfortunately, that is not a break in the impasse.  That is merely putting, not even a band-aid, I would say a transparent tape that we can all see through on a gaping wound, to be practical.  If you want to be realistic.  This idea that in three months they are going to complete all studies, all inquiries, all analysis in order to arrive at a final determination is, for lack of a better term, hogwash because here we are three months later, where the PUP had thirteen years in opposition to come up with the solutions.  The BSCFA, according to Chairman Fred Ortega, believed in the PUP.  They said they voted for the PUP, quite explicitly, and Fred Ortega, himself, said, “We don’t believe in anything Johnny Briceno says.  He’s a complete disappointment.  They told us they would do marketing for the sugar industry.  They would do this.”  As we say in Belize City, hardies and Brodies.  All types of promises they made to the caneros and they have delivered nothing.  So for us to believe that yes, in three months, what happens in three  months?  The municipal elections happens in three months.  So all this is is a futile attempt to buy time to try to get past the municipal elections but at the cost of who?  At the cost of the Belizean taxpayers.  Another million dollars to one association when we have outstanding bills from increments, frozen increments, pensions that still can’t be paid on time.”


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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