Police Minister Says Police Handled Sugar Protests Well
Earlier today, we also asked Minister Musa about the task that the police officers in the north had to carry out in dealing with protestors in the sugar belt. Musa said he thought that the officers’ performance and approach was phenomenal, especially when compared to how they handled similar situations in previous years, when citizens were wounded by rubber bullets. Musa said is the preferred approach when dealing with protesters going forward.
Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
“Absolutely phenomenal in my opinion, Courtney, and I think we even the respect and appreciation of the farmers in particular, the B.S.C.F.A. in the way that police officers handled the situation out there, it is no coincidence. Courtney again, one of the hallmarks of coming into office has been for us the reduction in the number of complaints against police officers, rogue police officers, abusive police officers. You can see a stark difference between 2023 and 2019 in terms of the number of reports against police officers. And that comes down to the very no tolerance approach that we have, and again, that was reflected out there. We did not have any major road blockages. I think there were some instances, but again, the police were able to peacefully, quietly amicably, have the protesters come off of the highway. And I think they handled it extremely professionally, and I want to congratulate them for that. I certainly want to commend the commissioner of police. He has certainly been on board with me whenever we say we cannot be exercising that kind of force. We have to exercise the greatest possible restraint in any situation. And I think moving forward, so long as there is that understanding because that is what that is what it comes down to being able to communicate with the protesters. The police officers having a full handle of the situation, and so long as you can accomplish that, then it should never reach to the point where you have that type of violence.”