Dr. Leroy Almendarez says Portico Definitive Agreement “Does Not Exist”
During his testimony, Doctor Almendarez was asked whether he knew about the Portico Definitive Agreement. Not only did he tell committee members ‘no’, Doctor Almendarez said that for him the Definitive Agreement does not exist.
Dr. Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director, BELTRAIDE
“I believe, and I am trying to stay away from mention because you mentioned a definitive agreement. And I’ve said to you, I’ve not seen it, nor have I read it, so I don’t know what’s in there. And so, whatever is in there, I have no knowledge of. But basically to say, that under the incentive program, under the fiscal incentive legislation, and the designated processes legislation there is an assessment that is done. Any taxes owed to government, any tax is not exempted from, you should pay. At the end of the day, it is to trigger development in this country,but the country must also survive.”
Senator Bishop Alvin Benguche, Member, Senate Special Select Committee
“In the case of whatever agreement was made, insofar as Portico is concerned, that would have come before you entered your position.”
Dr. Leroy Almendarez
“Senator, with all due respect, I don’t know that any agreement existed. None that I know of.
Senator Bishop Alvin Benguche
“So let me ask perhaps because I notice, you putting it in that way, you said you have not read or have you seen the definitive agreement? Would you have any interest in reading or seeing that definitive agreement, especially in light of the fact that, um, you have been called here and perhaps in order to enlighten us or to enlighten the public, that whatever question is asked, perhaps it might serve you in some way to be able to be familiar with that definitive agreement.”
Dr. Leroy Almendarez
“My response to that is, I would be willing to read it, or read anything that goes through a legal process, and through the legal processes that is how it materializes. In that sense, yes. But if you were asking me to read something that, as far as I know, doesn’t exist, then, why then would I read it, and to give information on it for what purpose? As far as I know, there is no definitive agreement.”