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Jan 18, 2024

A New Type of Tourism for Belize?

Jose Abelardo Mai

The tourism industry is perhaps as diverse as it is vulnerable. There is the potential for a marriage between tourism and entirely different industries and that is exactly what Belize is now contemplating. Today, the Minister of Agriculture, Jose Abelardo Mai, explained to reporters the possibility of Belize exploring agro-tourism.


Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture

“A new theme that’s being discussed around the world is agro-tourism.  There are many beautiful farms in Belize that tourism – what tourists would like to see, and across the country, especially on the hills, right, I mean, you know that there are tourists that have never seen a bull,  a bull ride or a rodeo. I have people that go to the agriculture show a lot, and were at the rodeo and said that they have never seen people ride a bull. And they were very amused. Well, there are people that have never seen a corn field. They’ve never seen agriculture. They’ve never seen pigs being fed. They’ve never seen how harvesting is done. And so, agro-tourism is an area that’s rapidly catching on. And I believe that Belize, being what it is – could – benefit from agro-tourism.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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