Several Maya Villages Disagree with Draft Maya Land Policy
The communities of Conejo, Crique Sarco, Santa Teresa, Sundaywood and Graham Creek have arrived at several conclusions after carefully reviewing the draft Maya Customary Land Policy. The collective has determined that the draft is rather confusing and incomplete in many parts. The villages also disagree with the fact they must apply for the registering of their land because they believe that government will have the final say on whether it will accept the applications. Thirdly, they put forward that the term public purpose remains unclear since there is already an FPIC Protocol in place. They do, however, agree that the collective land shall be inalienable by the Maya villages and perpetual property and disagree with the compulsory acquisition by the state. Elsewhere in its list of points, the collective does not agree with the Sarstoon Temash National Park being considered outside of Maya traditional and recognized land. In conclusion, the villages say that all the proposed land policy’s articles, “violate our traditional law and way of living”.