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Jan 29, 2024

Family Loses Brother In Corozal House Fire

Tonight, one family is left to grieve the loss of their youngest brother after a fire claimed his life early this morning. Around three a.m., the Barahona family was awoken by a commotion outside of their homes. Forty-nine-year-old Omar Enrique Barahona’s residence was engulfed in flames and unfortunately, he was unable to escape. The victim’s brother says the family is left in a state of shock and disbelief after this tragic event. Here’s News Five’s Britney Gordon with the story.


Britney Gordon, Reporting

It was a quiet night for the Barahona family as they slept in their respective homes on the family’s property on Seventh Avenue.  They were suddenly awoken by someone shouting next door. In this building, resided forty-nine-year-old Omar Enrique Barahona. Upon seeing the flames, Barahona’s older brother, Rojelio rushed into action.


Pedro Barahona

Pedro Barahona, Brother of Deceased

“At the time of the fire, we were sleeping, me and my wife and suddenly I heard three screams. Ah! Ah! Ah!  And that called my attention because I normally don’t hear that. So the first thing that came to my mind, I said, oh, maybe somebody’s fighting, somebody has a problem. So the first reaction, I get up off my bed fast and then I went through the front door.  When I peep to the backside I see the piece of house was up in flames and I was surprised that I don’t know what to do. But, I tried to come to my senses, and seeing that the next house was going to catch fire, I hurried, decided to get my hose, put it on the side of the pipe because I have a pipe close to where the fire went. And I connected and I tried to stop the fire from not crossing over to my house. That’s what I did, at that moment.”


Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t douse the flames and only succeeded in preventing them from spreading, damaging his equipment in the process. According to Barahona, the fire department, which is located just a block away on First Street, was quick to arrive on the scene.


Pedro Barahona

“I do believe they responded in time during the call. Maybe they were busy. I just can’t blame them if they do come in that. But when I was trying to just control the fire not to cross, to me it’s it takes about 12 minutes when they arrive, they came to the front, but like this is a double lot. It was easier for the fire truck to come to the back. So that was a little bit of delay, so when they came in from the front, I tell them they need to go to the back. To me, it was about twelve minutes,”


Due to the chaos of the event, Barahona is unsure who contacted the fire department for assistance. After their arrival, the fire was extinguished and the body of Omar Barahona was discovered.



Hilberto Romero

ACP Hilberto Romero, Regional Commander, Eastern Division

“Fire department personnel extinguished the flames, and thereafter the charred remains of a person was found inside the house. The remains were taken to the morgue and awaits a post-mortem examination.”



“Did they know that someone was in there?”


ACP Hilberto Romero

“Yes they are reporting a person was at the house at the time.”



“Any signs of him trying to get out or anybody getting to him?”


ACP Hilberto Romero

“No, the building was completely engulfed in flames. Only charred remains are found.”



Do you know if he lived alone?”


ACP Hilberto Romero

“Information is that he was there alone at the time.”


Barahona claims that the estimated damages amounted to about one thousand dollars, but it does not compare to the loss of his brother.


Pedro Barahona

“I really, right now I’m so sad. What took place this morning, I wasn’t prepared. But I feel at peace because I know God and God’s work. Even though we might say it’s hard for us to accept what happened. But I do believe that God protects us. I am the one that stands here and I feel it is a blessing because it’s my family and I need to do my best to take care of them because I have my dad. My dad is already going to ninety-six years and I need to take care of him.”


Britney Gordon for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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