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Oct 20, 2009

Mayor challenging expulsion from U.D.P. Party Council

Story PictureIt has been nonstop for Mayor Zenaida Moya Flowers, who is still on maternity leave and returns to work early in November. This past Monday, the Mayor was a guest on Open Your Eyes, during which she touched on her battles at City Hall and with her party. Moya Flowers maintained she is not “meek like a lamb” but at one point seemed to be offering an olive branch to the Prime Minister. All that was on Monday morning, but things are speeding up and her full expulsion from the U.D.P. appears to be pretty much imminent. News Five has learnt that this afternoon, attorneys for the Mayor filed a claim in the Supreme Court in which she is challenging her removal from the National Party Council on October third. Moya Flowers, it appears is challenging the lawfulness of the meeting of the National Party Council as well as the fact that she was never told of any specific charges she had to answer. The filing of this action opens a third front in the mayor’s legal war with her own U.D.P. Government. On one front she is fighting criminal charges coming out of a central government probe at City Hall for uttering false documents and for violations of City Council regulations. On another front, one of her attorneys, Hubert Elrington, has filed a constitutional motion challenging central government’s attempt to place controls on a duly elected mayor. Now another set of attorneys Dr. Elson Kaseke and Godfrey Smith are challenging the Mayor’s expulsion from the N.P.C. … all this coming amid reports that more criminal charges will be placed on her.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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