…And are in the process of forming a news citrus association
According to the CPBL representatives, a new association is in the making, which they think is the way forward out of the current impasse. Ernest Raymond says that a number of meetings by a group called the concerned growers, who represent sixteen percent of the industry, led to the move.
Ernest Raymond, Former Chairman, C.P.B.L.
“These concerned growers have met from time to time and us seven have decided well look, lets create an organization that will really move the industry forward, have a more positive environment to work in. and as such, the papers are being developed. It will be a company of limited guarantee, not for profit, not issuing shares. Our hope is that once the company is formed and depending on what finances that accrues from the company, it will go back to its members and in particular small growers because we do know that small growers need some support in attending to their farms. But also, we know that the large growers in particular, they do have certain practices that can be share. This company hopefully will be an advocacy group, it will have investments, it will provide services and we hope that the company and its members will really assist in moving the industry forward.”
Raymond also said that they hope that the Citrus Control Board will grant them licenses so they can be entitled to all benefits.