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Jan 15, 2010

Kyle Edwards shot once in the head and twice to the body

26347It’s the first reported shooting for the year…the victim is twenty-four year old Kyle Edwards of a Reggae Street address in Belize City. Around six-thirty on Thursday night, while Edwards was riding on West Canal, a lone gunman on bicycle, fired several shots at him. Edwards was injured to the arm, shoulder and head and immediately transported to the K.H.M.H. for surgery. News Five spoke to Acting Police Press Officer, Assistant Superintendent Bart Jones, who says that the department is looking for a particular suspect.

Asst. Supt. Bart Jones, Acting Police Press Officer
“Police visited the trauma room at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital where they saw one Kyle Edwards with apparent gunshot wounds to the right arm, right shoulder and the left side of his head. Initial investigations reveal that sometime earlier he was riding on West Canal—between Berkeley Street and South Street—when someone also riding a bicycle came from behind and fire the shots at him, which resulted in the injuries.”

Duane Moody
“Was it a case of gang rivalry or anything of the sort?”

Asst. Supt. Bart Jones
“The investigation is still ongoing and we don’t want to speculate at this time. So the investigators are up to midday still working on it and they have a suspect that they are pursuing this time.”

Edwards is said to be in a stable condition.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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