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Oct 19, 2009

Tourism Ministry initiating responsibility in the industry

Story PictureWe asked Dujon what the ministry of tourism is doing to make the idea of responsible tourism a reality.

Yashin Dujon
“The Ministry of Tourism actually is the first government ministry that has incorporated a full environmental policy. You visit our offices at #106 South Street, you’ll find that we do have the water saving equipment in place, we have the energy saving equipment, we do have purchasing policies for example in place and everything that’s in place to encourage this. The ministry is also working hand in hand with APAMO on a responsible tourism policy for the country of Belize and we’re working on a new tourism master plan that will be developed next year.”

Delahnie Bain
“What has been the response so far to the idea of responsible tourism?”

Yashin Dujon
“I think that nationally, here in Belize it has been well accepted. Many people have been practicing responsible tourism and not known it for many years. We’ve been to places where people have said oh yes my granny used to teach me about things like this and actually it’s true. We are encouraging hotels to wash with rain water and to do very small things that make a huge difference to the industry here in Belize.”

Approximately one hundred and eleven international delegates and ninety-six local delegates are expected to participate in the forums throughout the week.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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