Kiwanis Club celebrating ninety-fifth anniversary
The Kiwanis Club is also celebrating its anniversary. Known for its charity work with kids and communities, the Club is organizing a panel discussion at the Radisson Fort George Hotel to celebrate its ninety-fifth anniversary. According to President of the club, Paul Lecky, the talk will take on an important health issue this Thursday.
Paul Lecky, President, Kiwanis Club of Belize, Central
“The discussion really is about kidney failure in general and among children in particular. We’ll be discussing causes of kidney failure, preventative actions that one can take, dialysis and also the Kidney Association. We have Dr. Eck who is a pediatrician, we have Nurse Ack and we’re having Ms. Andrea Cox as well who is the President of the Kidney Association. We’re inviting the public in general to come out. We want people to understand what they can do to prevent kidney failure and also what treatments are available and so forth. It’s really a matter of sensitizing the public and we’re very concerned about the children with kidney failure, which I didn’t know about.”
The discussion starts at ten in the morning.