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Oct 19, 2009

Intl Conference of Responsible Tourism in Belmopan

Story PictureThe concept of sustainable tourism, which seeks to allow mass tourism with as little damage to the natural resources, has been around for some time. But this week tourist operators are talking responsible tourism. And while that is also aimed at resource preservation, it simultaneously boosts cultural development. The International Conference on Responsible Tourism (I.C.R.T.) is taking place at the UB auditorium in Belmopan, where industry stakeholders are gathering to discuss the growing trends particularly at the time when the number of visitors have declined in most tourism destinations. News Five found out from the Technical Officer in the Ministry of Tourism, Yashin Dujon, what the I.C.R.T. is expected to do for Belize’s tourism industry.

Yashin Dujon, Technical Officer, Ministry of Tourism
“The I.C.R.T. is a worldwide network that is dedicated to responsible tourism development and education all throughout the world. The Belize branch opened up a little over a year ago and our intent is to encourage local hoteliers, tour operators and stakeholders in the industry to start to develop and incorporate more responsible practices in their day to day business.”

Delahnie Bain
“Okay, what are some of those practices?”

Yashin Dujon
“Well, a few years ago there was a best management practice program that was run through hotels and it was funded through the GEF and run by the Rainforest Alliance and Program for Belize that focused on putting in conservation equipment into hotels, electrical management programs, water conservation, shower heads and things of that nature. What we’re doing is taking that philosophy and moving it along quite a bit more. What we need to do is to be able to assure that tourism dollars in Belize find their way to all people that participate in the industry and not just a chosen few. What we have done is that we have brought people engaged and involved in responsible tourism from all corners of the world; South Africa, India, the US, Canada, UK, Europe and we’ve brought them all to Belize for this forum. The forum that we’re at right now is the third of its kind being held in the world and it’s something that needs to be repeated and redone to highlight what any country is doing for responsible tourism development.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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