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Oct 19, 2009

Autopsy indicates prisoner was strangled in cell

Story PictureMeanwhile, the recent death of a prisoner, which initially had indications of a suicide, is now being determined otherwise. The inmate was found hanging inside his cell on October ninth. A post mortem examination has revealed that prison inmate, Alfonso Ek, was murdered by manual strangulation. Ek was in prison since 2005 for maim and assault and at the time of his death, was sharing a cell with Lorenzo Smith. Ek’s mother, Carolina Ek, from the village of Ranchito, is seeking justice for her son whose freedom should have come on November sixteenth.

Carolina Ek, mother of Alfonso Ek
“The Friday when dehn tell me he died, dah same Friday he spoke to me.”

Jose Sanchez
“I understand he had a new cellmate from the Thursday. The new cellmate said he hanged himself. Why don’t you think that was true? Was your son suicidal? Did he have any sort of negative thought?”

Carolina Ek
“No, nothing.”

Jose Sanchez
“Was he looking forward to his freedom?”

Carolina Ek
“Yes, ih tell me dis Krismus ih wah deh wid ih family.”

Jose Sanchez
“And you believe it’s murder.”

Carolina Ek
“Yes. When I hear dat I tell police my son noh kill ihself. Dehn kill ah.”

Jose Sanchez
“You’ve gotten the post mortem examination result. What did it say?”

Carolina Ek
“Dat dehn kill ah.”

Jose Sanchez
“The death is marked as homicide, which means murder. Has the police arrested or charged anyone for his murder as yet?”

Carolina Ek
“No dehn tell me dis week.”

Jose Sanchez
“Who would that be, his cellmate?”

Carolina Ek
“His cellmate, his name is Lorenzo Smith.”

Jose Sanchez
“Did they give any reason why Mr. Smith would have wanted to murder your son?”

Carolina Ek

Jose Sanchez
“Cause he only shared the cell with your son for one or two days. Did your son have any enemies or anybody might want to get at him?”

Carolina Ek

Jose Sanchez
“What would you want to share with the public about this situation?”

Carolina Ek
“Well, I want tell di public dat my dehn done kill my son. My son will not come back again. I done lose my son, but for another mom weh have son or somebody in there, me only want justice.”

Ek says that her son would have been out on parole next month and that his sentence would have expired next year.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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